Monday, August 23, 2010

My dad 7-30-10

My Dad

I called you the other day. It wasn't the first, it won't be the last. It's instinctual. You weren't only my friend, you were my guide and inspiration. Like a light you led my way. A gentle nudge here, a smack upside the head there. Exactly what I needed at the time. I'd call in times of happieness and sorrow and you were always there. You were a driver and you could wheel a car with the best of them. The joyful memories I have of us racing and you're teachings I'll forever cherish. Damn you were good an we would push it racing in the hills. God I miss our drives. You were a dancer with a gift that brought the room to life. They would line up just to dance with you, soulful an smooth. You were a pimp with the ladies hot damn! Lol A heart so big with wisdom to fill the ages. Taken befor you're time yet you made such a huge impact on everyone around you. The cancer was too strong. I'll never forget our last conversation or the smile you gave me. A driver, a dancer, a writer, a father, a husband, a friend, an inspiration. I love you and miss you more than I can explain. It wasn't the first time I tried to call you an it won't be the last. The drives for you dad. Love ya, Matt.

By Matthew Branton

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