Thursday, January 6, 2011

Beyond the wilderness

Beyond the wilderness

Past the busy highways and crowded streets Beyond the lights of the city there is a road, rough and unpaved. Far down this road the forest begins. The trees tall and the brush dense. Eventualy you'll find it, an old cabin. The wood made to create this handsome place now dark and aged. The windows cracked and the steps leading to the door warped. An empty cabin, it's maker long gone. The love that built this place struggles to be seen but if you look close, past the rustic exterior and the effects of time you just might get a glimpse. In the garden now overrun by nature a single rose remains. A bright vibrant rose of many shades of colors. Unique and strange like the one who planted it so long ago. An eccentric and beautiful piece of nature that truly mimics the one who used to live here. Mankind neglected her, thought her strange and only sought after the physical nature of her. They never accepted nor looked inside to see the true nature of her beauty. A sensual and comely spirit cast away to the depths of the wilderness by a society that lacked the courage to embrace something different, something pure. A true shame we can not see past the thin exteriors to embrace her, now lost to time. I come here, make the long journey to remember her. To feel her presence in the wind that rustles through the trees. I will never forget. When you look into my eyes you may understand, I'm not just looking at you, I'm looking into the depths of your soul and recognizing the unique beauty that makes you who you are. The sensuality that eminates calls to me. Maybe one day you'll see the truth that my soul represents as well. 

By Matthew branton

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