As I dance in the valley of purgatory straddling the wall that seperates darkness and light I can't help but wonder why I must choose a side. I know the darkness in the most intimate fashion more then any can truly comprehend. Yet, the light and love of eternity I've seen with my very own eyes. One need not have faith when they've already seen the cursed beauty of heaven. Coexisting beyond our comprehension we are both for we can not exist without the other. Why should I ignore the ravaging lust of darkness and only act upon the good? Is it for the promises I've made or for retribution of my earlier days? Do I dare think that in the grand scheme of time and space the minute reprocutions of my actions leave a scar upon this plain? Silly to ponder yet I truly wonder "what if". What if I lacked honor and integrity? What if I hadn't made the promises? Would I be me, or would I bring my dreams to life and blanket humanity with the ashes of there brethren? Truly a shame then, that we will never really know, for I'm stuck straddling the wall of purgatory between heaven and hell, waiting for her to choose....
By Matthew branton
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